
A kiállító adatlapja

Autóalkatrész | A pavilon / U18B

TELWIN is worldwide leader with more than 60 years of expertise in the manufacturing of welding machines, plasma cutting systems, spot welding machines, battery chargers and starters. It is present on all 5 continents, with an unrivalled range of products which is tailored to all production fields: from AUTOMOTIVE to INDUSTRY, from CONSTRUCTIONS to SHIPYARDS, from all professional divisions to DiY. Our range of products is winning because it offers hi-tech solutions to meet today’s needs.

Forgalmazott márkák

TELWIN is worldwide leader in the manufacturing of welding machines, plasma cutting systems, battery chargers and starters. It offers a wide range of products: from INDUSTRY to AUTOMOTIVE, from constructions to shipyards, and much more.

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