Here you can find our detailed timetable soon
Note our timetable is almost the same for each day of the show. You won't miss any of our programs whichever day you'll come.
Choose location (all)
'50 Brothers CC booth
Carstyling.hu parking lot
DF Tuning stand (pavilion A / 37)
Dr. Motor Automotive stand
Glanz Brother's booth
Jetpower Hungary / Can-AM booth (Pavilion H / 7)
LEGO MOC Masters stand
MG Motor Hungary stand - Pavilion A / 56
Monster Energy Extreme Zone
Monster Energy lounge (pavilion C)
Off-Road Meet-up 2025 by TOYO Tires
Off-Road Taxi track
Redoil stand (A pavilon / 19B)
Speedzone stand
UNIX Drift Arena
UNIX Main Stage
Chill Zone by Vezess.hu
Friday 03.28.
13:30 Start of the program block
13:35 Mean Machine Garage interview: 1.700 HP Hellenor Mustang
13:50 Meet the UNIX-AMTS Mustang!
14:30 Fast Family Extreme Show
15:55 Start of the program block
16:15 Carstyling Dolls Show
17:15 Start of the program block
17:45 Carstyling Dolls Show
Saturday 03.29.
12:20 Start of the program block
12:25 HERT by Moto-Jungle team presentation
13:00 Carstyling Dolls Show
13:55 Start of the program block
14:05 MG Motor Cyberster creator's presentation
14:30 Fast Family Extreme Show
17:00 Start of the program block
17:15 Carstyling.hu Show and Shine prize giving ceremony (amateur cup)
17:45 Carstyling Dolls Show
Sunday 03.30.
12:10 Start of the program block
12:30 Carstyling Dolls Show
14:10 Start of the program block
14:30 Fast Family Extreme Show
15:10 50' Brothers Custom Bike Competition Finals
15:30 Miss AMTS prize giving ceremony
16:15 Vezess Tuning Award finals
16:25 Pro Show and Shine prize giving ceremony
16:55 TOYO Tires Off-Road Show Prize Giving Ceremony
17:10 Carstyling Dolls Show