Here you can find our detailed timetable soon
Note our timetable is almost the same for each day of the show. You won't miss any of our programs whichever day you'll come.
Friday 03.28.
09:00 Off-road TAXI - family adventure rides all day
10:00 UAZ-GAZ Meet and Greet
11:00 Drift Taxi / Practice / Show
11:00 UAZ-GAZ Meet and Greet
12:00 Dj Rockin Doki vs. Dj Atomic retro mix
Dj Rockin Doki and Dj Atomic take turns playing the hits of the '50s and '60s from vinyl records.
12:00 Cylinder Head Front Lift
Each participant will have to hold our cylinder head (on straightened elbows) in front of them for as long as possible.
The time will be measured with a stopwatch and then the result recorded on the board.
Three prizes to be awarded to the winners (the participant who can stand in this position the longest).
13:00 Italian car workshop with Matyi and Pakelo
13:00 HKJ off-road Aftermarket and Accessories Presentation
13:00 MONSTER Energy presents: Circus Trial Tour
13:15 Monster Energy Sampling
13:30 Start of the program block
13:35 Mean Machine Garage interview: 1.700 HP Hellenor Mustang
13:50 Meet the UNIX-AMTS Mustang!
14:00 Bikini Car Wash at DF Tuning booth
14:00 PORSCHE off-road word
14:00 MG Motor Hungary Press Conference
14:10 Miss AMTS
14:30 Fast Family Extreme Show
15:00 Legend Rally Meet and Greet
15:00 Piskolty Kevin & Lukáš Souhrada (DJ Lucky Boy) signing session
15:55 Start of the program block
16:00 MONSTER Energy presents: Circus Trial Tour
16:00 Stunt Show by Palatinus Attila StuntRider
16:00 HKJ prize giving ceremony
16:00 Miss AMTS
16:15 Miss AMTS photo opportunity at Vezess booth
At the Vezess Relaxation Corner, the prize car and the Miss AMTS ladies are waiting for you – don’t miss the chance to leave with an awesome photo! While you're there, take part in the driving simulator challenge for a chance to win valuable prizes!
16:15 Monster Energy Sampling
16:15 Carstyling Dolls Show
16:30 GTA Live Show
16:45 DJ Lucky Boy live set
17:00 Bikini Car Wash at DF Tuning booth
17:15 Start of the program block
17:15 John D’Agostino autogram & photo session
17:30 Miss AMTS
17:45 Carstyling Dolls Show
Saturday 03.29.
08:00 Tuning Meeting cars parking
09:00 Dj Rockin Doki vs. Dj Atomic retro mix
Dj Rockin Doki and Dj Atomic take turns playing the hits of the '50s and '60s from vinyl records.
09:00 Off-road TAXI - family adventure rides all day
09:30 Drift Taxi / Practice / Show
10:00 Carstyling.hu Tuning Meeting (day-long)
10:00 UAZ-GAZ Meet and Greet
10:00 Patricar dB Drag Competition
10:30 Los Black Ones Rockabilly band concert
11:00 Introducing Crazy Futam
11:00 MONSTER Energy presents: Circus Trial Tour
11:15 Monster Energy Sampling
12:00 Bikini Car Wash at DF Tuning booth
12:00 HKJ off-road Aftermarket and Accessories Presentation
12:00 Cylinder Head Front Lift
Each participant will have to hold our cylinder head (on straightened elbows) in front of them for as long as possible.
The time will be measured with a stopwatch and then the result recorded on the board.
Three prizes to be awarded to the winners (the participant who can stand in this position the longest).
12:00 Markom Racing Drift Show
12:15 John D’Agostino autogram & photo session
12:20 Start of the program block
12:25 HERT by Moto-Jungle team presentation
12:30 Los Black Ones Rockabilly band concert
12:30 GTA Live Show
12:45 Miss AMTS
13:00 Bikers Deo Stunt Show by Attila Palatinus StuntRider
13:00 Carstyling Dolls Show
13:00 Carstyling.hu Show and Shine (amateur cup)
13:00 Changes in Lubricants' Operating Cycles in the Era of Modern Engineering
13:30 Drift Taxi / Practice / Show
13:55 Start of the program block
14:00 PORSCHE off-road word
14:05 MG Motor Cyberster creator's presentation
14:30 Fast Family Extreme Show
14:30 Los Black Ones Rockabilly band concert
15:00 Piskolty Kevin & Lukáš Souhrada (DJ Lucky Boy) signing session
15:00 Legend Rally Meet and Greet
15:00 Miss AMTS
15:00 Bikini Car Wash at DF Tuning booth
15:15 Miss AMTS photo opportunity at Vezess booth
At the Vezess Relaxation Corner, the prize car and the Miss AMTS ladies are waiting for you – don’t miss the chance to leave with an awesome photo! While you're there, take part in the driving simulator challenge for a chance to win valuable prizes!
15:30 MONSTER Energy presents: Circus Trial Tour
15:45 Monster Energy Sampling
16:15 DJ Lucky Boy live set
16:30 GTA Live Show
16:30 Los Black Ones Rockabilly band concert
16:30 HKJ prize giving ceremony
17:00 Drift Taxi till closing
17:00 Start of the program block
17:00 Bikini Car Wash at DF Tuning booth
17:15 Carstyling.hu Show and Shine prize giving ceremony (amateur cup)
17:15 John D’Agostino autogram & photo session
17:30 Miss AMTS
17:45 Carstyling Dolls Show
Sunday 03.30.
08:00 Tuning Meeting cars parking
09:00 Dj Rockin Doki vs. Dj Atomic retro mix
Dj Rockin Doki and Dj Atomic take turns playing the hits of the '50s and '60s from vinyl records.
09:00 Off-road TAXI - family adventure rides all day
09:30 Drift Taxi / Practice / Show
10:00 Carstyling.hu Tuning Meeting (day-long)
10:30 The Silver Shine Psychobilly band concert
11:00 John D’Agostino autogram & photo session
11:00 MONSTER Energy presents: Circus Trial Tour
11:00 EgykerékSuli.hu Stunt Show by Attila Palatinus StuntRider
11:00 Introducing Crazy Futam
11:15 Monster Energy Sampling
12:00 Markom Racing Drift Show
12:00 Cylinder Head Front Lift
Each participant will have to hold our cylinder head (on straightened elbows) in front of them for as long as possible.
The time will be measured with a stopwatch and then the result recorded on the board.
Three prizes to be awarded to the winners (the participant who can stand in this position the longest).
12:00 HKJ off-road Aftermarket and Accessories Presentation
12:10 Start of the program block
12:15 Miss AMTS
12:30 GTA Live Show
12:30 Carstyling Dolls Show
12:30 The Silver Shine Psychobilly band concert
13:00 PORSCHE off-road word
13:00 Drift Taxi / Practice / Show + surprise!
13:00 Bikini Car Wash at DF Tuning booth
13:45 MONSTER Energy presents: Circus Trial Tour
14:00 Monster Energy Sampling
14:00 Legend Rally Meet and Greet
14:00 The Silver Shine Psychobilly band concert
14:10 Start of the program block
14:15 Miss AMTS
14:30 Miss AMTS photo opportunity at Vezess booth
At the Vezess Relaxation Corner, the prize car and the Miss AMTS ladies are waiting for you – don’t miss the chance to leave with an awesome photo! While you're there, take part in the driving simulator challenge for a chance to win valuable prizes!
14:30 Fast Family Extreme Show
15:00 Piskolty Kevin & Lukáš Souhrada (DJ Lucky Boy) signing session
15:00 John D’Agostino autogram & photo session
15:10 50' Brothers Custom Bike Competition Finals
15:30 Miss AMTS prize giving ceremony
15:40 The Silver Shine Psychobilly band concert
16:00 Custom Bike and Classic Motorcycle Beauty Contest Award Ceremony
16:00 Car lottery
16:15 Vezess Tuning Award finals
16:25 Pro Show and Shine prize giving ceremony
16:30 GTA Live Show
16:55 TOYO Tires Off-Road Show Prize Giving Ceremony
17:00 Bikini Car Wash at DF Tuning booth
17:10 Carstyling Dolls Show
Time left till the AMTS:
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